Monday, February 16, 2009

Yes you all have to deal with a few more poems! I pulled my books out of a box a few weeks ago and found these that I wrote about Autism...They were some of my first, so please be nice :) Thanks for reading! :)


“Innocent Child”

Innocent child
Forced to live this life
Unable to speak his mind,
Restricted from expression,
He fights to find the reason
Why this world has no exceptions.

Creative mind
Wishing to be free,
Unaware of judgments
And the rules of our society
He cannot comprehend
Why he can’t just be.

Robotic words
Released from his mouth,
Cut off from his own language,
Forced to memorize our sounds.
(To this ritual he is bound).

Gazing eyes
Wandering the room
Seeing what he wants to,
Not what we believe he should,
If he could only tell us,
Without a doubt he would.

Shaking head,
His screaming voice
Rattles against the windows,
He shows us his frustration
Believing life should be one’s own creation.

Innocent child
Born into this world,
We shape him to be invisible.
To conform is to belong,
But in his mind
This is wrong.



A child speaks through his words of aberration,
Resisting, rejecting
The invisibility which surrounds.
Who’s to say
His life is not a way?
Expressing what he knows,
What he’s learned
(Meaningless words from our lips that he’s heard”,
Echoing the joys he has seen on t.v.,
Replaying the events
From those moments when we’ve permitted him to be free,
Only to be stopped,
From who he desires to be.
Silently sitting,
Sometimes with a scream,
Wondering if we will ever cease,
Allow him to return
To the place we made him leave.
Molding and shaping,
Inventing our creation,
Too afraid to embrace
The slightest deviation.
He’s left alone,
Solitude for a second,
But he’s caught,
Behavior must be corrected,
Intrinsic reinforcement
Once again redirected,Afraid by his visibility, that we will be infected


“His Song”

A child sits,
Words filter through his mind,
Decoding their meaning
Has become his test of time.
A scream develops,
Leading to a cry,
He stares deep into our eyes,
A blank look
He tries desperately to untie.
A hit to the head,
A slam to the wall,
A scratch to the face
Before his graceful fall.
His words he feels are useless,
His sounds he feels are wrong,
What he’s come to learn
Is no one wants to understand his song.

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