Monday, February 16, 2009

So I am totally new to this blog deal, but I thought I'd update everyone who reads this on Gracie. I am going to list a bunch of random facts about her in case anyone wants to know...if not, here they are anyway :)

-She loves, loves, loves, purses and bags...I have to turn her the other way if they are in a store. This includes the cheapest, most hideous gift bags. If it's a bag, my Gracie girl wants it!

-Now that she's potty trained she doesn't think she needs underwear as well as diapers. I have to tell her that her cousin wears underwear to get her to put them on.

-She loves her, "Papa," (grandpa). Ever since he went back to CA she has been saying, "No___, I want Papa," to everyone!

-She insists that her name is only, "Acie Tyer Lund," and you cannot call her anything else or she will correct you.

-Tonight she informed me that Papa was, "texting" me! what?!!!! I haven't ever used that word around her!

-She loves, loves, loves the kids I work with along with their parents and siblings. She makes up stories about each of them.

-She thinks that pajamas should be worn EVERYWHERE! I have to tell her that certain places won't let her wear them...of course I let her wear them if it's to the store,etc. Gotta choose your battles!

-She thinks that everyone says, "oh my heck!" and if you ask her what someone will say if they see something, this is her response.


  1. Hey girl...little Gracie is so cute! How old is she?

  2. ha ha. she is hilarious! yeah, i would love to get our little princesses together to play. weekends are good. let me know. how is everything? sounds like gracie is doing really well. smart and funny! how fun :) I want to hear about the kids you work with. they sound amazing
