Monday, September 28, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Need to update!

So my laptop has a huge virus on it so I'm waiting for it to get fixed so I can post some pictures! Not much new has been going on though. I was sick sick sick for about a week and am finally feeling better. Gracie is getting so much older! She ran up to me when I walked in the door today and said, "mommy I was missin' you." I got her a pair of sparkly pink shoes and she said, "I'm so excited I love them alot alot alot! Thank you mommy for my new shoes! Can my cousin have a pair too?" She is hiliarious! Her new thing is to say, "no problem." and, "here goes nothin'" and another one that I love is, "What can I do for you today?" I started her on B12 vitamins to see if it can help with some of her OCD tendencies and it really seems to be working. I haven't heard, "take the dirt, kiss, say off of me," in quite a while. Her need for order is still around although not to the extent where the computer has to be in line with the drawers on the desk (Yes she is only 2). I'm hoping that the B12 is working and we won't have to revisit some of those things! :) I'm loving work, picking up extra hours when I can. My brother and family is coming out in a couple weeks and we're soooooo excited. Another trip to Disneyland. This time for trick-or-treating. Yay! Anyway, pictures are coming!!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Ok so I had to post the pics with Gracie in her tube and goggles! She is so paranoid about getting water in her eyes! Today she got a, "swim to me doggy," which she named, "Cookie." This is her new best friend. I love it thought because it gets her in the pool! And when it's over 100 degrees you need to swim!